So on to my past week experiences. After my stay at my mom and Hal's vineyard I met up with my father at my grandma Ham's house. I hadn't had an opportunity to visit with my grandma since Christmas so it was wonderful to see her. I don't think anyone who I've spoken with since this adventure began has asked me more questions. She was full of amazing questions and was so smitten with the whole idea. I feel blessed to have a grandmother who is so in-tuned with the world around her and excited to have someone to live through vicariously. The stay was wonderful and included Grandma's amazing fried chicken, gravy, sweet corn, fresh tomatoes...the same meal that as a child I would beg for- sometimes even plead. Fortunately, Grandma knew exactly what I needed. Later that evening we went to Mac's Drive-In. I had the usual and loved every moment of it.
The following day, my dad and I headed back to Sioux Falls, SD to finally get to see the lovely and lovable, Janet. After a long drive, thankfully dad and I get along so well that the trip seemed rather short. No let's be honest, it was a damn long drive. Before making it to Dad's house, we stopped at good ole' down home Cabela's. I used to loathe this place, about as much as I did Michael's or that fabric store in McCook that Mom would drag me to at least once a week. I think I spent the majority of the time there sitting in the racks under the fabrics whining. WELL, this time, Cabela's was on MY side. Dad hooked it up with everything that I needed. I got my mattress pad that I'll be sleeping on for the next 2 years, a gortex rain jacket for the 400 inches of rain/year that I'll be experiencing, a mosquito net that Dad and Brian insisted I get, and a great dry bag for my electronics- or electronic since very few electronics last the entire two years in the South Pacific. likey Cabela's.
The rest of the week was dedicated to quality time with my Dad and Janet which included shopping, eating (a lot), and drinking mass quantities of beer, and I definitely got my Margarita fix. I had my last filet and fried eggplant before I head off...all delicious. I found myself savoring each bite compared to the old days where I'd gorge myself in 4 minutes and feel like complete poop for the next 4 hours. I also used the time to harp on my dad concerning his salt intake (as I know Brian and Misty appreciate much). Hopefully Dad will watch his diet- I can't imagine anything happening to him while I'm gone.
Eventually, it was time for me to move on to my last stop in this Pre-Peace Corps expedition....the goodbye. Dad has had his qualms regarding my departure when I first mentioned the whole idea. I don't know if it was the fact that I'd be gone for an extended period of time or if he was worried that I will always be searching for my calling in life. Fortunately, time has been on both of our sides. Dad has done his research and I think this last visit with him really solidified his beliefs in why I'm going and how it's going to make me a better person. Just the shear fact that he said those 4 words- I'm proud of you- made the goodbye probably one of the bests during this entire experience. Goodbye was tough but the support, respect, and never ending love are all I needed to know that yes, this is my calling, and yes, I have more support than I could ever imagine. So with that, I say again- thank you to my family. Thank you for believing in me, never giving up when you knew how insane I was, and thank you for always loving me- even when I made those ill fated mistakes, which I did learn from (thank God!). My time with you all was exactly what I needed. Muah!
Now on to time with the peeps of my life! Yes, what an adventure and great time we have had. You know you have good friends when you can go without talking for weeks sometimes even months, and yet it feels like yesterday that you last talked. Fortunately that is exactly what this has been like. Only, it will be years before I see them again. :( I am counting on you all to write me and at least let me know when the big things happen. Thank you for the great times and the many laughs. You are all such wonderful people! My love will be with you, if you ever see something that Ham might like- take a chance, send it my way. I bet you anything that if it's something I can't use, the people that I will be working with or living with or just hanging with- they will be amazed! So think eccentric. This original....or as Loren would say- unoriginal because the original, even though it's the original it could be better.
This is long and needs to come to an end for the time being. I leave Wednesday for LA, then out on Thursday for Hawaii. Friday morning I leave Honolulu for Micronesia and finally arrive there on Saturday afternoon. I will do my best to at least update this blog but please realize that it will be sketchy and if anything, it'll be a little information to inform you that I'm at my post. Please pray, cross your fingers, or summon the karma gods that I make my trip successfully.
Oh, before I forget...the packing situation. Well, lo and behold- I packed two years of my life in one bag that is technically a carry-on. However, I will be checking it and carrying on a backpack (thanks Jody) that has only a few things in it. I figure that if I have to lug this luggage around for 3 months and then take it to my permanent place, I'm going to be as light as possible. The final weight- 41 lbs. Thank goodness I got it all to fit. I sure hope I'm not forgetting anything. Thanks Dad and Janet for being so willing to send me my boxes when I get to my final placement.
Thank you to everyone who have made these last few weeks in the States some of the best. I love you.
Until we meet again...